CHENNAI: While Chief Minister MK Stalin on Sunday said West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar’s act of proroguing the Assembly is ‘without any propriety’, the latter said the House was prorogued at the government’s request and that the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s remark was harsh and not based on fact.
Stalin tweeted, “The act of #WestBengal Governor to prorogue the WB Assembly Session is without any propriety expected from the exalted post and goes against the established norms and conventions.”
WB Guv: Find it unusually expedient to respectfully invite indulgent attention of TN CM @mkstalin that his extremely harsh hurtful observations are not in the least in conformity with facts- attached order. Assembly was prorogued at express request @MamataOfficial @rajbhavan_tn
— Governor West Bengal Jagdeep Dhankhar (@jdhankhar1) February 13, 2022
The Tamil Nadu Chief Minster further said, “the ‘symbolic’ head of the state should be the role model to uphold the constitution. Beauty of democracy lies in extending mutual respect to each other.”
Replying to Stalin, Dhankar on his official twitter handle said, “Find it unusually expedient to respectfully invite indulgent attention of TN CM @mkstalin that his extremely harsh hurtful observations are not in the least in conformity with facts- attached order. Assembly was prorogued at express request @MamataOfficial @rajbhavan_tn.”
Dhankar also posted an official communication in this regard.
Governor Dhankhar had prorogued the Assembly from Saturday based on the state government’s recommendation.
Trinamool Congress spokesperson Kunal Ghosh said, “The governor did not take the decision on his own initiative. He has prorogued the Assembly following the recommendation of the Cabinet. There is no confusion in it.”