PUNE: Bharatiya Janata Party Rajya Sabha MP Prakash Javadekar on Friday said his party will get more than 350 seats in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the National Democratic Alliance’s combined tally will be more than 400.
Addressing the media to highlight achievements in nine years of the Modi government, he said it had given India stability and development as well as welfare and dignity to the poor.
'Modi @ 9' Abhiyan !
महा जनसंपर्क अभियान !
जय भाजपा 🌷 तय भाजपा 🌷
देशाचे यशस्वी पंतप्रधान मा.श्री. नरेंद्रजी मोदी यांच्या नेतृत्वात मोदी सरकारच्या कार्यकाळाला 9 वर्ष पूर्ण झाल्या निमित्त @BJP4India तर्फे ‘ मोदी @ 9’ हे महा जनसंपर्क अभियान देशभर राबविले जात आहे. या अभियानाच्या… pic.twitter.com/XTbOmKifR7— Prakash Javadekar (@PrakashJavdekar) June 3, 2023
”The people’s faith in PM Modi is our greatest strength and we strongly believe the BJP will get more than 350 seats and NDA will get more than 400 seats in 2024 Lok Sabha elections,” he said.
Javadekar said in Modi’s leadership the country had seen the politics of positive development under which benefits were provided irrespective of caste, creed, region, gender, and voter inclination.
Bomb blasts that took place frequently between 2004 and 2014 had stopped, Left Wing Extremism was on the decline and peace was prevailing in the North East, he asserted.
India was the world’s fastest growing major economy at 7 per cent, while the figure was 2-4 per cent for nations like the United States of America and China, he said.
The Modi government provided 100 crore people free vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic and free rations for 35 months to 80 crore citizens, the former Union minister said.
Stone pelting had stopped after Article 370, which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir, was scrapped, he claimed.
Queried about high fuel prices, he said India was not self dependent in the sector and has to import 90 per cent of its requirement.
”After the Ukraine-Russia war, fuel prices soared across the world. The entire world is insisting that PM Modi play a key role in ending the war. After that happens, everyone will see the results. Just wait and watch,” he added.
Source: Press Trust of India