LUCKNOW: Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday tried to put the ruling BJP government in the dock over investment claims in Uttar Pradesh saying that investors, who promised to invest during the investors’ summit here, could not be traced now.
इन्वेस्टर्स समिट में पहले तो भाजपा सरकार के दबाव में कुछ निवेशक ‘हाँ’ कहकर चले गये लेकिन अब उनका पता नहीं चल रहा है। उप्र की भाजपा सरकार दुखी होकर गा रही है… ‘जाने कहाँ गये वो लोग’… तो अधिकारी भी गा-गाकर निवेशकों को पुकारते घूम रहे हैं… ‘वादा न तोड़-वादा न तोड़’।…
— Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) June 8, 2023
”In the Investors’ Summit, earlier, under the pressure of the BJP government, some investors went away saying ‘yes’, but now they are not being traced. The BJP government in UP is singing sadly… ‘Jaane kahan gaye woh log’. The officers are also singing and calling out to the investors… ‘Wada na tod, wada na tod’ (don’t break the promise),” he said in a tweet in Hindi.
He also used the hashtag #bewafa_Niveshak (unfaithful investors).
In Uttar Pradesh, Global Investors’ Summit was held in February this year after which the state government has claimed that 10,000 investors showed up at the summit to make investments.
It claimed to have received investment proposals worth more than Rs 33.50 lakh crore, setting a new record in the country.
Source: Press Trust of India