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Political Mirror


BY SANJEEB KUMAR SAHOO Respected citizens of India and the world, I always express my gratitude to the sun when it rises and sets,...


AMARAVATI: The NDA alliance of TDP, BJP and Janasena won a landslide victory in Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday, bagging 21 parliamentary and 164 assembly...


NEW DELHI :The  Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Sunday questioned the BJP on maintaining ”silence” over its relationship with Sarath Chandra Reddy, whose companies...

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NEW DELHI: Senior Congress leader and former finance minister P Chidambaram on Tuesday said having two income tax regimes is a “bad idea” that...


BHUBANESWAR: The BJP on Tuesday stormed to power in Odisha by dethroning the BJD which has been in power for the last 24 years....

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