JAMMU: 75,000 youths have been provided entrepreneurship opportunities during Jan Abhiyan in Jammu and Kashmir.”
On the eve of our 74th Republic Day, youth selected for self-employment were felicitated in J&K Bank's event. We have scripted a golden chapter of employment boom in J&K. During B2V & My Town My Pride campaign employment opportunities were provided to around 75000 beneficiaries. pic.twitter.com/sNkUBXKKxp
— Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) January 25, 2023
The administration will ensure aspirations, creativity and enterprise of every youth are realized and they are empowered. We have been steadfast in our resolve to provide self-employment opportunities to youth and last year,” the Lieutenant Governor (LG) of Jammu and Kashmir (UT),Manoj Sinha said.
On the eve of the 74th Republic Day, Sinha handed over certificates to selected youth who have availed the facility to start their own business venture.
LG further said that government agencies along with the Jammu and Kashmir Bank are helping thousands of new entrepreneurs to set up businesses.
Source: Press Trust of India