MUMBAI: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, who is also the state Finance Minister, on Thursday presented the Eknath Shinde-led government’s first Budget for the year 2023-24 in the state Assembly.
LIVE | Presenting #MahaBudget2023 for Maharashtra..#BudgetSession2023 #budget #Budget2023
— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) March 9, 2023
Fadnavis started reading out the budgetary allocations in the Lower House of the state legislature at 2 pm. He read out the budgetary provisions from an iPad instead of a conventional paper document.
This is for the first time that Fadnavis presented the state budget as he holds the finance portfolio. During Fadnavis’s tenure as the chief minister between 2014-19, senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sudhir Mungantiwar was the finance minister.
The Shinde-led government, in which his faction of the Shiv Sena and the BJP share power, was formed in June 2022.
Thank you CM @mieknathshinde ji and all our colleagues for your kind wishes to Minister @dvkesarkar ji and me for the #MahaBudget2023 !#Maharashtra #BudgetSession2023
— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) March 9, 2023
During the budget presentation, Fadnavis said the outlay for farmers has been increased by Rs 6,900 crore and the coverage of the Mahatma Phule Jan Arogya scheme, a health insurance scheme of the government, has been raised from Rs 1.5 lakh to Rs 5 lakh.
State School Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar read out the budget proposals in the Legislative Council
Source: Press Trust of India